Santa Clara Valley
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Santa Clara Valley PTA
Santa Clara County, California
PTA logo
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 PTA & Education Links
 About Us
 Contact Us
 Our Mission
The mission of the Santa Clara Valley PTA is to provide resources to support, sustain, and strengthen PTAs within Sixth District PTA.
 Message from the President
Santa Clara Valley PTA is unlike any other PTA you’ve ever been a member of – we have no school, no principal, and no students! We exist to support other PTAs. You can do as little or as many PTA activities as you’d like – from joining, to donating, to serving on a committee, or holding an elected office – the whole range! Read our letter to learn more about us and sign up! We’d love to have you in SCV PTA!
 Grants Available to Local PTAs
Santa Clara Valley PTA  is offering grants of $50 to $100 to local PTAs to help their communities and strengthen their organizations. Grants are available to PTA  units and councils within the area served by Sixth District PTA  (Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties). All PTAs within that area are welcome to apply. PTAs in low-wealth areas will have priority when grants are awarded.

The deadline to submit an application is Friday, October 25, 2024. Click [here] for the application.
 SCV PTA Book Club
Come join us in reading and discussing this book that follows twelve characters from Indigenous communities traveling to the big Oakland Powwow.
Tommy Orange, There There. [discussion questions]
Discussion: Wed Sep 25, 7:30 pm Pacific Time, via Zoom
All -- not just our members -- are welcome to join us!
Please [register here] in advance.
Email with Zoom link will be sent after registration.
 SCV PTA Calendar: Meetings & Events 2024-2025
Association Meeting
with Book Club Discussion
Wed Sep 25
- 6:45 Meeting
- 7:30 Book Club
Zoom [register here]
[discussion questions]
Board Meeting Wed Oct 9, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed Nov 13, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed Dec 11, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed Jan 8, 2025, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed Feb 12, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed Mar 12, 1pm Zoom
Association Meeting Wed Mar 26, time TBD Zoom
Board Meeting Wed April 9, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed May 14, 1pm Zoom
Board Meeting Wed Jun 11, 1pm Zoom
 Sixth District & State PTA Events
Sixth District PTA Fall Training  Sat Sep 7 
Santa Clara  [details]  
State PTA Convention  May 2 - 4, 2025 
Ontario, CA 
National PTA Convention  June 25 - 28, 2025 
 Officers 2024-2025
President Tiffany Landry
Executive VP Darice Koo
VP Membership Marcie Brown
VP Communications OPEN
VP Advocacy Erwin Morton
Secretary Susan Canty
Treasurer Laura Raimondi
Financial Reviewer Dinah Showman
Historian Naomi Higaki
Parliamentarian (to be appointed by incoming President)
Webmaster Erwin Morton
 Spring Newsletter
Click here for more about what your PTA has been working on!
 Advocacy Update -- Our 2024 Convention Resolution
For many years, in California and across the US, women, children, and Two-Spirit Individuals of Indigenous heritage have been disproportionately at risk for going missing -- being abducted, often being abused, and sometimes being enslaved or murdered.

In the 2023-2024 school year, our advocacy team developed and submitted a Convention Resolution to encourage PTAs throughout California to learn about this crisis and to help protect children and families who are at risk of becoming victims. On May 3, 2024, our resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote of the delegates to State PTA's Annual Convention.

Read our Convention Resolution [here].

Learn more! Click [here] To watch a presentation by Shannon Jaeger, the maker of the Resolution, about the Resolution and the crisis it addresses.
 "The Smithsonian at Your Fingertips"
At our Association Meeting in September, 2023, we had a fascinating presentation about the Smithsonian Institution's Learning Lab, and how we as parents and as PTAs can explore it and take advantage of the resources it offers. For those who wanted to see that presentation again, or who were unable to attend the meeting, we are providing a recording [here].

The Smithsonian Learning Lab is an award-winning interactive platform that provides digital tools and resources to help educators access Smithsonian resources, customize learning experiences, and create meaningful connections to our museum artifacts from anywhere in the world. It offers free digital access to millions of Smithsonian artworks, artifacts, specimens, recordings, learning activities, and teaching materials for the PK-12 classroom from across the Smithsonian's 21 museums, education and research centers, and the National Zoo.

Learn how you, too, can incorporate the Smithsonian Institution's digital educational materials in and out of the classroom to benefit your child, yourself, and your community!

•   [Flyer]
•   [Video]
•   [Resources]

Sixth District PTA | California State PTA | National PTA  

Santa Clara Valley PTA
P.O. Box 1136, Cupertino, CA 95015

copyright 2024 Santa Clara Valley PTA